
A new daily ritual... it involves chanting

I have a new "thing." It falls in line with my one of my 2014 goals to be more positive. This morning, on the way to work, I started a little internal mantra that went something like this:

Today will be a great day. 
Today will be a positive day. 
Today will be a happy day. 
Today will be a healthy day. 
Today will be a productive day.
Today will be a stress-free day. 
Today will be a great day. 
Today will be a positive day. 
Today will be a happy day. 
Today will be a healthy day. 
Today will be a productive day.
Today will be a stress-free day. 
Today will be a ....

Okay, you get it. 

So, I did this little chant (in my head, of course) for the four block walk from the train station to my office. Usually, that four block trek is a primary source of frustration that could potentially start my day off on the wrong foot. People walk slow, people stop abruptly in front of me, people don't move over to the right to let other people pass, cars block the crosswalk, people don't say thank you when you hold the door for them, people just.... frustrate me. 

So, as I was repeating this mantra in my head over and over again, I stopped thinking about all the people that weren't doing exactly what I wanted them to be doing, and I started just thinking positive thoughts. 

Well, so far things are going good. I feel like this little act in the morning put me in a good head space. And, I decided I'm going to make it a part of my morning ritual. 

I think I saw a TED talk a while back (or maybe it was an article?) that talked about how people with bad body image should look in the mirror and compliment themselves out loud everyday, and gradually they will have higher self-esteem. I suppose this is kind of like that. If I think about how it's going to be a wonderful day then it's more likely to actually be one. Or at least, I won't turn every tiny little thing that goes wrong into a monumental issue that ruins my day.

I really admire those people. You know. The people that are always smiling, that people that just love life, the people who always seem visibly upbeat and happy and excited about everything. Maybe if I pretend to be one of those people, I'll eventually just become one of those people. 

That's the plan at least. 

I hope you have a good, stress-free, happy, healthy, productive, energy-filled, positive day! 

What sort of things do you do to stay happy and up-beat? Tell me all of your secrets happy people! 

1 comment:

  1. lots and lots of booze ... j/k.
    no but seriously, if i wake up in a good mood it tends to last all day ... like vacation for example, one is always excited when they wake up and they are on just a few steps away from a sandy beach, food that you don't have to prepare and unlimited libations ... treat everyday like it's vacation or something that you have to look forward to. that keeps me happy :)


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